Back on my Podcast Sh*t

Back on my Podcast Sh*t
Photo by Matt Botsford / Unsplash

A little over eight months ago, the last episode of Not Trivial went out. Originally, I wanted to get right back into creation mode. Work on Season Two. Be a creator, not a consumer.

Yeah, that didn't happen.

And that's OK. I vacationed in the Caribbean with my dad. I flew to Boston for work. I dealt with a raging sinus cold that turned into an infection. I watched movies like The Color Purple and Saltburn and Zone of Interest.

NOTE: Don't watch any of those three on the same day. Very different vibes.

For some magical reason, the creative bug has bit me once again. And to absolutely nobody's request, I've got podcast episodes ready to publish! Oh yes... I've already written and recorded them.

I've actually got bigger plans for podcasting than ever before! Very excited about it all! And it'll take me the rest of this year and into 2025 to achieve said plans. Because I've built in time for when I don't feel creative. For when I've got other stuff happening.

I seem to be committed to creating podcasts. More than one even. That's the big news, folks! Liz has gone bananas and decided to make three podcasts!

Word of the Week is coming back for Season Two! Like... next week! More to come on this gem in another email.

Little Yellows is all German lit, all the time. Well... 4 episodes at a time, technically. Season One coming this September.

And of course, Not Trivial will wrap up 2024 with Season Two! Ten fresh eps that I can't wait to write.

Hopefully, you'll want to listen to an episode or two or five... I really want to share this fun stuff with others. Because it is fun for me! I enjoy researching, writing, recording, and editing. Who knew?

And with TikTok soon to be banned in the US, it feels like the exact right time to figure out how to social media on behalf of these little podcast babies, don't you think? 😃

I'll be sharing more via my website and this newsletter. So jump ship now if you need to, no judgment. But tell your friends... their inbox is lonely...